Dr. Josie Marciello Dentistry

Restorative Dentistry

Dental Services

Restorative Dentistry in Toronto

If your teeth are damaged, decaying, or missing, there are several types of restorative dentistry that can help. This includes dental bonding, implants, bridges, dentures, and more. While these are great ways to restore the appearance of your smile, they are also important for maintaining your oral health.

young woman with big smile outside

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a restorative solution for teeth with minor imperfections, such as cracks or chipping. This is a non-invasive, cost-effective method and is applied directly to the tooth without anesthetic. The process is simple: your dentist will roughen the tooth, apply a liquid that will aid with resin bonding, then apply, shape, and harden the resin composite.

Dental Implants

When you’re missing teeth, it can have detrimental effects on your confidence and your health. A missing tooth can lead to a misaligned bite, bone loss, and an increased risk of gum disease. It also becomes harder to chew and speak when a gap in your teeth exists. Dental implants are designed to be a permanent solution for these problems.

young woman with big smile outside
young woman with big smile outside

Dental Bridges

Your teeth are designed to work together. When one or more tooth is missing from your mouth, it can cause a variety of health and cosmetic issues. Your ability to chew and speak will be affected, and your remaining teeth can shift positions, causing bone loss.

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are a common form of restorative dentistry used to fill cavities. Cavities are tiny holes in your teeth that can be caused by several factors, including inadequate brushing and flossing, sugary foods, and bacteria in the mouth. At Dr. Josie Marciello Dentistry, we offer fillings made of dental amalgam and composite resin.

young woman with big smile outside
young woman with big smile outside


Dentures are a standard restorative option for patients with missing teeth. This removable solution is often desirable when many teeth are missing, as the dentures will replace all of them at once. Depending on your individual needs, you may receive partial or complete dentures.

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